Located in the Summit County area, willing to drive down to Denver if that's closer.
Glock 34 in 9mm: Previous owner RIT dyed the frame and chopped the grip to 19-length to fit CO-legal 15 round magazines. I had the slide cerakoted and front serrations added when I had it milled to fit a Holosun 507, which comes attached. It also has a Taran Tactical connector and sear spring, as well as a Silencerco threaded barrel and a Striker Control Device. Comes with 4 magazines and original factory hard case. Asking $700.

FN FNP-45 Tactical in .45 ACP: Previous owner did some stippling on the frame, otherwise stock. Comes with Vortex Venom installed, three 15 round magazines, assorted slide plates, and factory soft case. Asking $650.

CZ SP-01 Tactical in 9mm: This has been dragged through the CGW and CZC catalogs, it has the CGW ultralite kit with 13lb hammer spring, CZC race hammer, CGW reduced power trigger return spring, Dawson rear sight, extended magazine release, 12lb recoil spring, I believe there were other CGW upgrades as well but I don't remember what they were and I'm not going to guess. Asking $700.