Taurus 856 Executive model, 3" barrel. Excellent condition, very low round count. 38 special caliber.
$450 cash, $500 trade value
Located in SE Denver, preferred FFL is Skyline Firearms.
I can travel between Denver and CO Springs along the I-25 highway.
3 grips provided, 1 VZ grip G10, 2 wood grips from Taurus. Different sizes.
Ameriglo tritium night sight installed, also comes with original sight post.
Pelican Vault case from factory very beefy and strong locking.
Trade for .22LR Ruger LCR or .22LR LCP, or .22LR J-frame revolver. Also interested in Beretta Tomcat/Bobcat. Or Sig P238/P938. Or other compact 22LR/32ACP/380ACP pocket pistols with manual safety. Apologies in advance, not looking for a SW Bodyguard.
Send me offers, worst I can say is no.
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