I am a 19 year old Colorado resident who made the mistake of buying an ar-15 upper a couple months back. After one failed aluminum 80% and one melted polymer 80, I have given up trying to make my own lower.
I have been doing some reading on private transfers, and my understanding is that it is legal for an individual over the age of 18 and under the age of 21 to privately purchase a stripped lower or handgun with a background check . I want to make sure I am in accordance with the law before moving forwards. input on this issue by individuals with experience and knowledge of firearm sales and laws would be appreciated
Not an “expert”, but to my knowledge the only way to transfer a firearm in colorado without a bgc is a legitimate gift from a family member, or sometimes if it is bequeathed to you after family member dies. This includes stripped lowers, because they are “firearms”. Don’t do a straw purchase though. Every other transfer requires a FFL transfer and background check.