308 ammo for sale
- 300 rds of 147 ball milsurp in a sealed ammo can, plus 100 rds PMC 147 gr FMJ-BT. Current market price is roughly $0.80/rd before tax & shipping. I’ll sell it for $250 for the 400 rds.
- 80 rds CBC 168 gr “Sniper” HPBT. The cheapest 168 gr I see for sale online is $.84/rd before tax and shipping. I’ll sell it for $50 for the 80 rds.
- 75 rds of 155 gr Hornady A-MAX TAP. Designed as a law-enforcement sniper round. Current online best price is $1.23 a round. I’ll sell the 75 rds for $75
- 115 rds of Federal 7.62 130 gr SOST MK319 OTM T762TNB1. This isn’t available anywhere anymore. It’s a military design optimized for the 16” 7.62 SCAR, so minimal muzzle flash and impressive terminal effects.
Description here: https://www.usarmorment.com/308-762x51-c-1_227/federal-762x51-130-grain-sost-mk319-otm-t762tnb1-500-round-case-p-2595.html. I’ll sell the 115 rds for $125.
All in, the ammo offered is 670 rds for $500. Cash only.
Contact me at: rounds.nicer-00@icloud.com (those are zeros) or 719-286-9136
Meet in Castle Rock area.
All ammo has been sold except for:
115 rds of Federal 7.62 130 gr SOST MK319 OTM T762TNB1. This isn’t available anywhere anymore. It’s a military design optimized for the 16” 7.62 SCAR, so minimal muzzle flash and impressive terminal effects.
Description here: https://www.usarmorment.com/308-762x51-c-1_227/federal-762x51-130-grain-sost-mk319-otm-t762tnb1-500-round-case-p-2595.html. I’ll sell the 115 rds for $125