Please note: ALL of this ammo is Reloads, hence the lower prices. I've gotten to the point where I have more than I will ever shoot. I've shot many hundreds of rounds of each of these without a single issue. Prefer to sell in bulk. May make a deal if you want a bunch.
30-30: 1,200 rds available: $.60/ rd
30carbine: 2,000 rds available : $.50/rd
30-06 8rd enbloc clips: 30avail: $7/ clip
25acp: 2,200 rds available: $.25 / rd
Trades: fn502 tactical, cz457, bergara b14R, bolt action 223. possibly other guns. 5.56 or 223 ammo. Rifle scopes.
Contact: 317-840-607five or
Location: Pueblo, but often travel to Colorado Springs