I know this subject gets posted a lot on other forums but I'm new to firearm purchases and I would like to know how the process goes.
1. Do we have to do background checks from like a purchase from friend or Armslist deal in the state of Colorado? I remembered my brother-in-law having to do a check when he purchased his firearm from the Tanner Gun Show years back.
2. How do I safely purchase firearms from deals like Gunbroker? I've read stories of how people get real close to being scammed. I have used Paypal in the past before, would that work? What are the preferred payment methods in this scenario?
Thank you for the help! :D
Awesome! Thanks, Zach!
Hey ayang2996, to answer the first part of your question when purchasing a firearm the buyer is subject to the law of the state he resides. In this case we are subject to Colorado law which requires a background check for all private and FFL firearm sales. So that being said me and you could meet up somewhere if you where selling a firearm and I could look it over and decide if i would like to purchase said firearm. After agreeing on a price we would go to a local FFL holder who would conduct a background check on myself and by law is authorized to change me nothing or up to $10 for conducting the check. If everything comes back all good I can take possession of the firearm and you can take the money and we can all have a great day.
For the second part of your question I can honestly say I've only ever purchased one firearm that wasn't in person but even then it was from a Brick and Mortar store on the east cost who I paid by card over the phone and then they simply shipped the firearm to a local FFL near me who I picked it up from. how such a transaction would occur between two private parties is beyond me when it comes tot he payment method. However delivery would be the same you would have to have it sent to a local FFL where you could then go pick it up once it arrives.
Hope this was some help.