This bill, SB25-003 would also make illegal for any of us to sell any of the semi auto guns that we already own. Some people have some money invested in their firearems, and like to be able to sell them when they feel like it. This would make that illegal in the state of Colorado. Imagine if your current and correctly locked gun safe, and it's contents, is suddently worth nothing, as far as resale value...
Unknown member
Jan 30
I am definately not ok with the push of this new law, but hopeful that if passed pushes more people to take an active role in their state politics. Too many people sit on the couch and allow a minority of residents to select politicians with biased agendas that only serve the interests of that minority group. More laws like this gun law might be the impetus to get more of our community active and if not, shame on them and they deserve the fallout of their inactivity.
Unknown member
Jan 30
Reading the law, it specifies making and selling these guns. No issue for current owners to continue to own and use.
Unknown member
Jan 30
Replying to
So you are okay with the law going into affect as long as it doesn’t affect the current firearms you own? What about future purchases? What about others that don’t own any yet but may want to in the future? Just questions, not trying to be confertational.
Unknown member
Jan 30
Replying to
Next law might make it a felony to own/possess these firearms. These are radical liberals hell bent on taking all firearms from the general public.
Unknown member
Jan 30
Replying to
Could very well be, you never know. Give them a inch and they might just take a mile. It’s hard to tell when big brother is ever happy enough with what they’ve taken or taxed.
Always comply with local, state, federal, and international law. Colorado Gun Trader does not become involved in transactions between parties. Report Illegal Firearms Activity to 1-800-ATF-GUNS.
This bill, SB25-003 would also make illegal for any of us to sell any of the semi auto guns that we already own. Some people have some money invested in their firearems, and like to be able to sell them when they feel like it. This would make that illegal in the state of Colorado. Imagine if your current and correctly locked gun safe, and it's contents, is suddently worth nothing, as far as resale value...
I am definately not ok with the push of this new law, but hopeful that if passed pushes more people to take an active role in their state politics. Too many people sit on the couch and allow a minority of residents to select politicians with biased agendas that only serve the interests of that minority group. More laws like this gun law might be the impetus to get more of our community active and if not, shame on them and they deserve the fallout of their inactivity.
Reading the law, it specifies making and selling these guns. No issue for current owners to continue to own and use.